SOS BOOSTER 抗污保濕面膜(2盒)+ 加送面膜多1片!!
- Hibischa™專利成分:含有抗氧化物質,平衡膚色,減少自由基及氧化壓力對肌膚的損害,改善泛紅與膚質。
- 海藻糖:具抗氧化功能,有助減少異常蛋白質累積,修復因脫水與溫差導致的皮膚損傷,並收細毛孔、改善粗糙。
- 維他命B5:修護肌膚屏障,舒緩敏感膚質,鎮靜肌膚,提升肌膚防禦能力。
- 深層補水滋養,重建肌膚屏障功能。
- 提升肌膚彈性與亮澤度,改善膚色不均和暗沉。
- 抗污染保護,為肌膚注入活力。
- 海茴香 (Crithmum Maritimum):促進膠原生成,均勻膚色、提亮膚質,提升緊緻度並淡化皺紋。
- 椰棗複合物:增強膠原蛋白合成,顯著減少皺紋,重塑臉部輪廓。
- 水解小麥蛋白與角豆膠:即時提供緊緻效果,平滑細紋,帶來明顯提升感。
- 緊緻輪廓,提升肌膚彈性,重塑青春光彩。
- 提亮膚色,淡化色斑與暗沉,改善肌膚整體光澤度。
- 滋潤修復,對抗外界環境侵害,提升肌膚防禦力。
「H'O 茴光肌密」體驗專業級的護膚呵護,實現水潤亮澤的夢幻肌膚!
Please store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Products may be made with naturally derived ingredients, which in rare cases may cause sensitivity in certain individuals. If sensitivity occurs, discontinue use immediately. If you are uncertain about possible sensitivity, always do a patch test before use or consult your healthcare professional.
Products may contain oils and butters from natural nuts, seeds and fruit. If you have any allergies please read the product label carefully. We recommend that people with sensitive skin perform a patch test first to ensure there is no reaction. Discontinue if irritation occurs.
Herbs’oil does not make a claim to cure or prevent any disease or medical problem and is not intended to substitute other therapy or medical advice. Products are not approved by the FDA to treat, cure or prevent any disease. In the case of pregnancy please consult with your health care professional. All products are for external use only.
It is recommended to perform a patch test on the inner arm before using the product. If any sensitivity or adverse reactions occur, please discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional. This product is for external use only and should not be ingested. Avoid contact with open wounds and eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with water. Keep out of reach of children. Please store the product in a cool place below 30°C.